West Wimmera Health Service offers a range of surgical procedures performed by highly experienced surgeons who regularly visit Nhill Hospital.
What we offer
Our highly skilled team specialise in various procedures, including:
Orthopaedic Surgery by Dr. C. Gooi MBBS FRACS
Ophthalmic Surgery by Dr. M. Chehade MBBS FRANZCO
Dental Surgery by Dr. S. Hogan
All surgeries take place at the Nhill Hospital, which boasts a modern operating suite and a state of the art CSSD department with dedicated staff.
Our visiting surgeons manage lists for both public and private patients.
How to access
Patients in need of surgery are typically referred by their GP.
For more information in relation to surgery, please call our main reception on 5391 4222 and ask to speak with the pre-admission surgical team.