Our Kaniva Hospital offers an urgent care centre, acute hospital care and high care residential aged care, all under one roof.
We also operate low care residential aged care, which is located a short distance from the hospital and is known to the community as Arthur Vivian Close Hostel.
A wide range of our services are also offered from our Kaniva site, including:
Allied Health, which includes cardiac rehabilitation, diabetes education, dietetics and nutrition, exercise physiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, social work and speech pathology.
Ageing Well, which includes services, groups and activities to keep you healthy, active and socially connected as you age.
Care at Home, which includes services (including packages) delivered at your home to support you to live independently.
Community Health Services, including community nursing.
Hospital Services, which include urgent care, acute care (hospital admissions/stays), Hospital in the Home, palliative care, Post Acute Care and information for patients and visitors.
Multicultural Health, which includes services and support for refugees, migrants and people from multicultural backgrounds.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), provides support for people with a disability, their families, and carers. This includes funding for necessary services and supports to help individuals achieve their goals, enhance their independence, and improve their quality of life.
Pathology, including blood and other pathology specimens.
Telehealth, which gives you access to specialist appointments online without needing to travel long distances.​​
To find out more or make an appointment for the above services, please call the West Wimmera Health Service Intake Team on (03) 5391 4292.
To enquire about aged care in Kaniva, please contact our Aged Care Administrator, on (03) 5391 4226 or email: aged.care@wwhs.net.au
To contact Kaniva Hospital reception, call (03) 5392 7000.​
Kaniva Hospital is located at 7 Farmers Street, Kaniva, Victoria, 3419.
Arthur Vivian Close Hostel is located at the corner of Joseph & Phillip Streets, Kaniva, Victoria, 3419.