Child Health Checks
The first five years of a child's life are profoundly important to their development. West Wimmera Health Service's Maternal and Child Health team offer ten free Key Ages and Stages visits at set milestone dates to review your child's health, growth and development and talk about your own health and parenting experience.
What we offer
Key Ages and Stages visits:
1 - Home visit
2 - Two weeks
3 - Four weeks
4 - Eight weeks
5 - Four months
6 - Eight months
7 - Twelve months
8 - Eighteen months
9 - Two years
10 - Three and a half years
At each visit you will have the opportunity to discuss the following topics, and also be given information to download relevant phone apps, such as the MCH app, that relate to the topics covered. Don't be afraid to tell your nurse about any other issues or concerns you may have.
Topics covered in these visits include:
safe sleeping
safety in the home
feeding your baby (breastfeeding and bottle feeding)
how play helps learning and development
family relationships and wellbeing
How to access
For enquiries relating to Key Ages and Stages visits, contact our Maternal and Child Health team by calling (03) 5391 4249.
Key Ages and Stages visits are free to all Victorian families.