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Patients & Visitors
On this page you will find information about the following topics. Click the topic you would like to read more about to be taken straight to that section.
Patient healthcare rights
Patients of West Wimmera Health Service have rights in relation to the medical treatment they receive and the manner and care involved in delivering that treatment. We recognise that people receiving care and people providing care all have important parts to play in achieving healthcare rights. WWHS works collaboratively with health services in the region to ensure patients receive the most appropriate care.
Patient rights are detailed in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, which you can find out more about on the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care website.
Hospital admission and discharge
Patients may be admitted as an acute inpatient as an urgent care or elective admission. Urgent care patients are those who require urgent admission to hospital and will be admitted after being assessed by a Medical Practitioner in the local GP Surgery or after presenting at one of our Urgent Care Centres.
Patients undergoing surgery will be booked in for a pre-admission appointment before their operation to assess their medical history and health status, and address any lifestyle issues that may have an influence on their course of treatment.
Before leaving hospital, each patient is assessed to ensure appropriate services and support are in place before they return home. This will include assessing whether the patient has someone at home who will be taking care of them following discharge and also, if required, putting in place additional services to make the period following discharge as comfortable as possible. This may include services such as Post Acute Care.
Visiting hours
Visiting hours at our Jeparit, Kaniva, Nhill and Rainbow sites are from 10am to 8pm, with a rest period available to patients from 12.30pm to 2:30pm. Our visiting hours are designed to ensure patient rest and comfort and can be flexible to suit the patient.
Visiting hours may vary for individual patients, so please check with the Nurse Unit Manager at your respective site if you have questions about visiting a friend or family member. You can find contact details for each of our sites on our contact page.
Fees & charges
All patients admitted for hospital treatment will be asked to choose whether they wish to be treated as a public patient (non-chargeable) or private patient (chargeable). You must decide which is the best option for you, and complete a form to indicate your choice.
Public (Non-Chargeable) Patient
Public patients will be treated by a doctor or doctors nominated by the hospital and will not be charged for their care in hospital. Public patients must hold a Medicare Card or be an overseas visitor from a country which has a reciprocal health care agreement.
Private (Chargeable) Patient
Private patients will have priority access to a private hospital suite if that is clinically appropriate for the nature of the treatment being provided. Private patients will face no ‘out-of-pocket’ expenses for your stay in hospital with assistance provided by staff to claim accounts. The hospital will benefit directly by being able to claim accommodation fees from your Health Insurance Fund.
Private Uninsured or Ineligible Patient
If you choose to be treated as a private patient but do not have health insurance you will be responsible for payment for all accounts.
An ineligible patient is one that does not hold a Medicare Card and is not a visitor from a country with a reciprocal health care agreement.
Inpatient charges for both private uninsured and ineligible patients are available on the Victorian Department of Health website.
Veteran’s Affairs Patients
Patients holding a Department of Veteran’s Affairs entitlement card (Gold or White) may be eligible to be treated free of charge with costs paid by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. Please speak to our staff if you hold a Department of Veteran’s Affairs entitlement card.
Workcover or Transport Accident Commission – Compensable Patients
Patients who are admitted as a result of work or traffic accidents may be treated as 'compensable patients', with any medical costs paid by a third party. Please notify staff if this applies to you.
Patients admitted under this classification will be asked to sign a Compensable Declaration form to cover the possibility that your claim for compensation may not proceed. You will also be requested to indicate whether you wish to be admitted as a public or private patient in the event your claim is not accepted.
If you have any questions about using your health insurance or about hospital fees and charges please do not hesitate to ask our staff.
Freedom of information
The Victorian Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1982 allows you to request an individual’s health information. It is possible to obtain copies of this information or to view original documents.
Members of the public may telephone the Service on 03 5391 4222, in the first instance to obtain information on the application process.
Applications must be in writing and the required FOI application form completed and sent to:
The Freedom of Information Officer
West Wimmera Health Service
PO Box 231
Applications must clearly describe the documents that are being requested. If seeking an exemption of the application fee evidence must also be provided by the applicant as to the reasons why.
The following fees apply:
Application Fee - $32.70 (non-refundable unless the fee is waived);
Search Fee - $23.85 per hour or part thereof;
Photocopying - 20 cents per black and white A4 page.
It is important that applicants provide photo identification as to their identity at the time of application. For example, a Driver's Licence.
Further information on where members of the public can obtain information about FOI are available on the Victorian Government's website.
Safe patient care
West Wimmera Health Service rosters nurses in compliance with the Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient Ratios) Amendment Act 2019. For more information please refer to the following table: Nurse to Patient Ratios.